May 2020
May 2020
While the theaters are still closed, Lieberoser Wüste – also called small Siberia – lies impressively open and wide at about a hundred kilometers southeast of Berlin. It is the biggest desert in Germany, caused by forest fires in 1942, and used as a military training ground, later on. Coming from out of the pine trees onto the sandy surface you will start to find ammunition cases and all kinds of other old metal pieces on the ground. On a windy day, the currents pulling at your hair and clothes is the only thing you can hear.
The images below were made in Lieberoser Wüste and its surroundings during a music video shoot with the so far named band The Executies (Carrie McILwain, Emeka Ene and Kristof Künssler-McILwain). Max Hilsamer and myself either chasing them through the sand or watching them play with the fire that will burn down all evil. The music which tells the whole story is waiting to be recorded soon.
Not only as an occasional camera woman, I am enjoying to discover new places in and outside of Berlin. For the seminar Etudes d’après nature, which I am teaching together with the dance dramaturge Maja Zimmermann at UdK’s Studium Generale this semester, the students and us go out to parks and woods, observing, listening and finding different ways of relating to nature through artistic practice.