„Mögen hätt’ ich schon wollen, aber dürfen habe ich mich nicht getraut“ (To want to I would have liked, but to allow myself to I did not dare.) –
Karl Valentin knew how difficult it is to accept an invitation. In order to move, to get in touch with the world and to act within and upon it, we need, even before the urge to discover, a primordial sense of being invited – and welcomed. Repondez S’Il Vous Plait is a shared research of Sophie Brunner, Anna Jarrige and Johanna Ackva into acts and forms of welcoming. Within the medium of movement and reciprocal touch, they exercise invitations and respons-abilities – towards their own bodies as well as towards each other and their public.
Concept, choreography, dance: Anna Jarrige, Johanna Ackva and Sophie Brunner | Stage and Lights: Tim Goossens | Texts: Robert Lax: 21 pages (extracts) and the artists | Many thanks to: Zürcher Hochschule der Künste | Photos © Tim Goossens.

„Mögen hätt’ ich schon wollen, aber dürfen habe ich mich nicht getraut“ (To want to I would have liked, but to allow myself to I did not dare.) –
Karl Valentin knew how difficult it is to accept an invitation. In order to move, to get in touch with the world and to act within and upon it, we need, even before the urge to discover, a primordial sense of being invited – and welcomed. Repondez S’Il Vous Plait is a shared research of Sophie Brunner, Anna Jarrige and Johanna Ackva into acts and forms of welcoming. Within the medium of movement and reciprocal touch, they exercise invitations and respons-abilities – towards their own bodies as well as towards each other and their public.
Concept, choreography, dance: Anna Jarrige, Johanna Ackva and Sophie Brunner | Stage and Lights: Tim Goossens | Texts: Robert Lax: 21 pages (extracts) and the artists | Many thanks to: Zürcher Hochschule der Künste | Photos © Tim Goossens.